Why list equipment on EquipmentMine?

EquipmentMine attracts over 20,000 buyers who submit and view close to 100,000 searches and pieces of equipment each month. EquipmentMine lists close to 850 vendors from all major mining countries. At any one time, EquipmentMine has 7,000 pieces of mining equipment listed worldwide.
Benefits for buyers:
     Search by country, region and/or specific equipment item  View descriptions, technical details and colour photographs  Compare the various listed items  Negotiate directly with the seller
Benefits for sellers:
     High visibility to over 20,000 buyers worldwide viewers  Promotion on InfoMine with access to over 330,000 visitors per month.  High traffic focused exclusively on mining  Focused search capabilities
EquipmentMine is not a brokerage service and no commissions are charged.
How to list equipment
If you have new & used mining equipment or parts for sale, please use the Equipment For Sale Form free of charge.
Looking for used equipment?
If you have new & used mining equipment or parts needs, please use the Equipment Wanted Form free of charge.

Source: infomine.com

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